
righteous defense

#showtooltip Holy Shock

/cast Holy Shock

/cast [noharm,help] Righteous Defense

/stopmacro [harm] [noexists]

Rogue opener – Cheap Shot

/castsequence Premeditation, Cheap Shot

Main PVP Sub Rogue rotation

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Backstab,backstab,Backstab,Kidney Shot,Backstab,Backstab,Backstab,Recuperate,Backstab,Slice and Dice

invite guild members II

/script n=GetNum!%#*!sults(); i=1; while(i

ONE BUTTON Trap Launcher + trap, 2 clicks

/cast !Trap Launcher
/cast !Freezing Trap(Frost)


PVP Hunter Disengage, leave snake/ice trap behind

#showtooltip Disengage
/cast Snake Trap(Nature)
/cast Disengage
/use 15
/cast [@player] Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)

PVP Hunters escape Master’s Call + defensive spells

#showtooltip Master’s Call
/cast Follow(Pet Command)
/cast [@player] Master’s Call
/cast [@player] Roar of Sacrifice
/cast [@player] Intervene
/cast [@player] Roar of Sacrifice
/cast Horn Toss(Exotic Ability)
/use Healthstone

Stopcasting and KILL SHOT asap

/Cast Kill Shot
/use 10
/use 13
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

PVP Hunter Feign Death + Freezing trap

#showtooltip Feign Death
/cast Freezing Trap(Frost)
/cast Feign Death
/cast [@player] Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)

PVP Feral druid main rotation

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Rake,Mangle(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Tiger’s Fury(Cat Form),Rip(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Ferocious Bite

PVP Feral druid Charge

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=12 Feral Charge(Cat Form),Pounce(Cat Form),Savage Roar(Cat Form),Faerie Fire (Feral)(Feral),Ravage(Cat Form)

PVP MM Hunter main rotation

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=7 !Aspect of the Hawk,Chimera Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Concussive Shot,Aspect of the Fox,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot

Target Farest Friend then Intervene + change stance

/console targetNearestDistance 15,000000
/targetfriend [noharm][dead]
/console targetNearestDistance 30.000000

#showtooltip Intervene
/cast [noform:2]Defensive Stance;Intervene
/cast Battle Stance
/stopmacro [noworn:shield]

One button/2 click Spell Reflection switch defensice Stance

#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/cast [noform:2]Defensive Stance;Spell Reflection
/equip [1h weapon name here]
/equip [shield name here]
/stopmacro [noworn:shield]
/equip [2h weapon name here]
/cast Battle Stance

Wow mousover

/castsequence [target=mouseover,exists] reset=target Spell1,spell2,spell3; Spell4,Spell5,Spell6

MM Hunter escape/emergency

/castsequence reset=60 Deterrence,Readiness
/use 6
/cast [@player] Spirit Mend(Exotic Ability)

Hunter Markmanship rotation

Nice pvp macro

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=9 !Aspect of the Hawk,Concussive Shot,Serpent Sting,Chimera Shot,Arcane Shot,Arcane Shot,Aspect of the Fox,Concussive Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot,Steady Shot
/use 10

Cat/Bear Feral druid rotation

Cat/dps rotation:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Rake,Mangle(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Tiger’s Fury(Cat Form),Rip(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Shred(Cat Form),Ferocious Bite(Cat Form)

Bear/tanking rotation:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=6 Thrash(Bear Form),Mangle(Bear Form),Swipe(Bear Form),Maul(Bear Form),Lacerate(Bear Form)
/cast Enrage


Retribution Pally damage burst

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=60 Zealotry,Avenging Wrath,Inquisition,Hammer of Wrath,Crusader Strike,Templar’s Verdict,Crusader Strike,Hammer of Wrath,Templar’s Verdict,Crusader Strike,Hammer of Wrath
/use 13

Simple /use trinket

Simple macro to activate your trinkets. 13 is your first trinket and 14 is your second trinket counting from the top to down.


/use 13
/use 14

PVP Priest Discipline self heal rotation

/castsequence [target=player] reset=15 Power Word: Shield,Prayer of Mending,Renew


Advanced Slow Fall

Dismount + Slow Fall

#show Light Feather
/cast Slow Fall

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